Hollybush Primary School

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Subject Leader - Mrs Chandler

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Vision and Intent for Computing

Technology has created monumental shifts in how we live. New technology is transforming the jobs of the future and, therefore, the skill demands. At Hollybush, the computing curriculum we deliver is focused on the National Curriculum objectives for computing. We plan our curriculum carefully to meet the National Curriculum objectives and to provide children with a balance of opportunities to learn new skills across key areas of computing, including Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science. 

Within each year group, children are taught to use a range of technological tools in each key area; and from Years 1-6, there is vertical integration of the knowledge that is taught. A coherent yearly overview is planned so children revisit various applications, in different contexts, and build upon their prior knowledge and progress their skills. As the technological world evolves and advances, and so too our responsibilities to keep safe online, the content of the Computing curriculum is designed to be relevant and appropriate. We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap for disadvantaged and pupil premium children by ensuring access to quality first teaching, the development of aspirational mindsets and the provision of technological skills to underpin success in both future learning and employment. 

 Computing Long term plans.pdfDownload
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